What does it take to make the best decision when buying or selling a home?
You might be surprised.
It’s NOT what you think it is.
Continue reading to find out what they are…
Intuition • Emotion • Logic
Why Intuition Is Important: Sometimes the nerves, anticipation or lack of education can get into the way of intuition, all of which are common while moving through the home buying or selling process. I’ve seen it many times when client needs swing in a wide pendulum from what they want and or need. I address a client’s intuition by speaking about what they are feeling in their gut. It important to address fears and what could be a red flag when viewing a home. I talk with a client and their intuition to make sure it “just feels right” for them.
Why Emotion Is Important: Buying and selling a home is an emotional process. Yes, it’s business too, but homes will be the place to bring your new baby home to, you’ll retire in, you’ll laugh, cry and feel all of life’s experiences. Not connecting emotionally means not realizing the way your home will support you during all emotional phases of your life. Picking a home purely because of logic feels sterile, cold and empty. For emotions to exist clients must “emotionally “move, and I always ask questions after a showing to help determine if the client has mentally placed their belongings in a home they have connected with emotionally.
Why Logic Is Important: This can look like not having proper funds, not understanding market trends, having unrealistic expectations, and poor communication skills. For any relationship to work communication, mutual respect, and trust are the most crucial elements. These elements are built though me understanding your needs, hearing your dreams and putting together logical education and solutions for your dreams to be realized. It is logical to know that you will need a certain amount of funds as a down payment, earnest money, and closing costs, the reaction of the market, certain homes within the market and to trust that I have your best interest at heart. Through my educational process your expectations will be addressed, you’re understanding of the process and the path for home buying or home selling will be clear.
Charlotte Franklin is a Fort Collins, Colorado based real estate agent whose passion for the industry is driven by three things – logic, intuition, and emotion.
Having a deep understanding for how these ideas work together to drive home buying and selling decisions, Charlotte has made it her goal to educate clients using a multi-faceted, non-traditional, decision making approach that has resulted in 100% client satisfaction.
Northern Colorado is one of Charlotte’s favorite areas of Colorado, working with buyers and sellers spanning from Longmont to Loveland and Fort Collins, to Red Feather Lakes all the way to Greeley, and more.